Page name: cat art & pictures [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-29 19:15:27
Last author: moira hawthorne
Owner: ~Lady Morgana~
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Every member is allowed to put up pictures & art of cats on here, please just try to use an image wich isn't too big. If you have questions just ask me.

- [~Lady Morgana~]




He's watching TV
[Mythical Angel]My baby, his name is Prince ^_^ I love him to death!

[FireDemonAisha] this is my little Pipen

Sammy *^.^*

My love Motte, R.I.P! <3 <3 <3


[~Lady Morgana~]

may i present to you BIMMEL or bummel or bommel even pimmel..he doesnt listen anyway ^_^

bimmel again alias graf dracula :D what a knutschi cat! isnt he?

here are two of my cats the all black is my baby mea the black, and white one is patch. it was on one of their down days to sleep all day ^_^

This is me and my peresious framilier and best friend....Angel or Angelbaby, she seponds to both. I Love ya Angel.


My girl, Shelby, is the one with a spotted tummy. RIP. My girl, Fuzz, is the other tabby. And the yellow and white, not so good pic is of my sister's girl, Blondie. Her eyes are supposed to be yellow.

Here is a few pics of Lily, our newest. My mom found her on the highway and didn't have the heart to leave her. She was so weak she could barely stand. I don't know if she was even weaned from her mother yet. My mom thought she was going to die, so she pawned her over to me. After two days of constant babying, she was a healthy little brat.


Here is Nuggets


It's my kitty! :3! I got her for my birthday last year. She's sooo cute! ^^~! Her name is Meru. :3

His name is Lord! Isn't he beautiful???



This is Luigi ^.^ He's my friend's kitty but he's soo cute! :)  [jaguargal]

My cat Siri! She is soo cute! Luv her... [Eldanár Oronar]


This is my sweet kitty cat Thomas Garfield Wilson, he's been
with me for 10 years....^_^ [Bloody Rainbow]


This is my evil kitty Sassy she kills people... [Keeper of Darkness]

This is my cat Dali!

This is Eli...he suffers from a functional disorder of the mind (AKA he's insane). he was looking nice for a change so I tried to take a pic. he would have nothing to do with it.

This is one of my cats named maverick,he is my baby!!

<img300*0:> This is another one of my cats bailey,but she is very old and has a tumor on her side,so she won't live for much longer :'(

^^ They might not be with me anymore... but i still love them. in order from top....Kyo, Stahn, and Blitz. with Naomi playing with Blitz's tail. 

Orange cats in and orange box.... my kid sister's idea. ^^*

[Kitten Of The Night]<img:> cinder my little man

<img:>Cinderpawthe last born
<img:>Cinder again
<img:> CloudTail the frist born
<img:> Cloudtail agian
<img:> im sr its all blurry.. but this is screamthe third born
<img:>scream again
<img:>duce the secound born
<img:> Duce again

<img:> [Mel3_2011] here is my kitty

[moira hawthorne]'s kittys.. RIP my Ladies - Neko - Niege-neige - Maya
<img0*200:stuff/neko%20march%2006.jpg> <img0*200:stuff/PA010013.jpg> <img0*200:>
<img0*200:> <img0*200:>
cats! what else needs said!
<img0*300:stuff/Tranquillity.jpg> <img0*300:>
hahaha my little joke! no she is not dead...
Neige-neige was just posing! this was during the hottest week in July...
and she is swimming across the cool floor in the bedroom which had AC!!!
'Mooncat' She is the moon. She is the moon glow. She is the cat that sleeps in the bowl of moonlight.
She is the warm comfortable fuzzy feeling endless poets and lovers see while staring up at the full moon.
I wanted it glowly... not substancal...
<img0*200:> <img0*200:>

Here are most of my cats :] [Isfet]
Those are nine of them, but you can see another fuzz balls tail which is Misfit.. and the other missing is a grey stripey named Rouge.
This is my baby, Hooligan.. he follows me around everywhere :]
Our all black kitties, Mishap and Shadow.
Hooligan again :D

This is my cat Lucky,she is sleeping.


Back to the cat lovers


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[~Lady Morgana~]: aren t they sweet?!my sweet hunnys!!!! i love them!!!*cuddles*

[Nyaah*]: awwwwww wow i never saw ur cats before!!! they are beautiful!!!!!!!

[~Lady Morgana~]: thank you!!!^^ the beautiful bimmel- bammel!!!!! :D

[~Lady Morgana~]: awwwwwwwwwww sooooo many cute cats!!! :D

[Ukia]: meow mrow rrooww yooww merow

[DarkRedKrueger]: meow meow meow meoooooooooow mew *sits on her hind legs cleaning her right front paw purring*

[screw u guys im going home]: They're sooo cute!!!!

[screw u guys im going home]: Soon i'll add a pic off my cat!!! Polo! My love!

[~Lady Morgana~]: YAY!!!!! :D :D :D :D

[screw u guys im going home]: then.....when ill get her...ill put yuna! *my kitten

[Estantia]: aahhhhh.... I saw several in what My family call the archer position (mea is the best example)

[~Lady Morgana~]: what do you mean?+

[Nyaah*]: AWWW so many beautiful kittens!!!!!hey i changed a pic of bimmel! how do u like it?

[~Lady Morgana~]: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so great!!! :D

[Zauberin]: awww.. nyaah, my cat looks almost just like yours, only she is a darker color, and doesnt have the white feet that birman cats are supposed to have... (shes a mutt hehe) her daddy was some black shorthair cat from down the street... she was an accident, but such a cute one!

[Zauberin]: i will add pics of all my kitties later :)

[The Last Laugh]: aww! i want yoour kittens! I have 1 kitten and two cats..

[Nyaah*]: look at this>>>>>>> <img:> bimmel in the dryer!!! HAHAHAH


[X2]: <img:http://A fun image... (delited)>


[~Lady Morgana~]: hahahhahaahhhahahhaahhahahhaahahha XD XD XD XD XD

[The Last Laugh]: XD awesome! soo cute!!

[cat_girl:)]: [cat_girl:)] Kitty!! Kitty soooooooooooooooo cool!!

[The Last Laugh]: kitty!!

[Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Nyaah*....your cat is almsot identical to mine, is it a ragdoll?

[The Last Laugh]: ragdolls are fun.

[~Lady Morgana~]: its a holy burma cat ... well something like that ... we call them heilige burma katze ....#

[~Lady Morgana~]: its a holy burma cat ... well something like that ... we call them heilige burma katze ....

[Archeress of Mirkwood]: This is my cat Willow the Whisp! ^_^ LOL!! <img175*0:> You can click on it to make it bigger.

[Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, I have like 19 cats... :P

[~Lady Morgana~]: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

[chaika]: 19...outside...or inside?

[X2]: This is not my cat.... <img:> but i have a cute little kitten now=)

[~Lady Morgana~]: awwwwwwww!!!!

[~Lady Morgana~]: YAY!!!!!! NEW PICTURES!!!!! :D :D :D

[nokaredes]: yep. my Eli. in a couple of days I'll have the others...but not today. I spent practically the whole day scanning and I am done. *looks at bloody fingers*

[~Lady Morgana~]: ooh thats okay!!!! i m always so happy about new pics!!!! :D :D :D+

[VIVI1001]: <img:> this is a pic i have drawn of my friends cat

[~Lady Morgana~]: awww its awesome!!!

[~Lady Morgana~]: Awww the new pictures are just uber cute!!!!! Thank you [Kitten Of The Night]!!!!

[sweetness6106]: These cats are soooooooo.. cuuuuute!! Awwwwww......

[~Lady Morgana~]: Yes! *almost dies of cuteness* =*^.^*=

[divachica]: Awwwww, all the pics look so cute!!!

[~Lady Morgana~]: I think so too ^^

[~Crimson Angel~]: awwwwww,all of the cats are cute.

[~Lady Morgana~]: Yesh I think so too ^^

[~Lady Morgana~]: [Iske] your cat has such a lovely coloration :O

[moira hawthorne]: like a TIGER!

[~Lady Morgana~]: Yes :O

[~Lady Morgana~]: ooooh the lovely picture :D :D :D

[moira hawthorne]: sorting cat images... and getting detracted by other things.... but Ill get my other kittys up soon...

[~Lady Morgana~]: Oh that's cool :D I still have to add Cleo O.o

[~Lady Morgana~]: Awwww pretty Moira!!! :D :D :D

[moira hawthorne]: hehehehe I swear neige-neige was a model in her last life!

[~Lady Morgana~]: I think so too :P

[moira hawthorne]: she weighs about as much as one! hehehe >.<

[~Lady Morgana~]: Owww a really thin one?

[moira hawthorne]: yup! she is ALL fur! there isnt any cat underneath! >.<

[~Lady Morgana~]: My friend [Nyaah*] had a cat like that too ...

[moira hawthorne]: 7 yrs ago she fell out of a 7th story window... and all she broke was her toe... landing on rocks!

[~Lady Morgana~]: Oh wow! :O That's luck!

[moira hawthorne]: still cost me $$$ b/c had to take her to ther emergency vet.. it was a holiday! I didnt know how badly injuried she could of been! but yes she was very lucky! the vet was quite amazed!

[~Lady Morgana~]: Wow, that's great but I know, it is horribly expensive *sighs* Healthcare should be for free, if you ask me.

[moira hawthorne]: *sighes* I should of been better at biology! I could of been a vet! >.<

[~Lady Morgana~]: Same here >.> My mom is learning how to be an animal healer right now. It is not like being a vet ... a healer ... hard to explain.

[moira hawthorne]: kindda like the difference between a homopathist and docter?

[~Lady Morgana~]: Yes exactly!

[moira hawthorne]: *nod nod*

[~Lady Morgana~]: I think it is really cool, she's doing that. ^^

[moira hawthorne]: yes very cool... how long will she be in 'training' for?

[~Lady Morgana~]: She's doing it for a year now and I think one more + half a year of working with professional people.

[moira hawthorne]: very cool!

[~Lady Morgana~]: Yesh :D

[~Lady Morgana~]: Cool more pictures :D

[moira hawthorne]: yes yes! =D

[Lin-tastic]: So any image of our kitties can go up?

[moira hawthorne]: yup... art and photos of your kittys...

[~Crimson Angel~]: cute cats

[~Crimson Angel~]: If anyone want to join my cutest pet contest go here, ---> The Cutest pet Contest

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